viernes, 27 de enero de 2012


"Spread contentment,
              Cultivate enlightement."
                                                  ~Indian Proverb

It is a great day to be thankful for being alive, for being healthy, and if you haven't smiled yet.. try this: while you're walking or going to work, smile to every person that you cross on your way, it is a cool sensation and it feels nice when someone gives you back that smile and trust me it will change your day and others in a positive way.

A comun person laughs 15 times a day at least, how many smiles can you count till now?
Have a great friday!!

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Why a Mandala?

Because the sanskrit meaning is circle. A symbol of perfection, eternity, unity and completeness.
In these days where EGO is the mayor element of our lifes, I think it is necesary to stop for a minute, just a minute.. take a deep breathe and feel the air go in and feel the air go out. Feel how fresh air gets into your body and cleans and oxigenates.. and then feel warm air getting out your body charged of tension and negativity.. keep breathing and allow your cells, your organs and every fiber of your body to purify and get clean.

What a wonderful sensation.. believe me.. try it and you will say the same.. and then.. make it an habit.
We don't realize how much time we keep air inside, we don't breathe because we are nervous or scared or angry  or in a hurry or ...and every time that we are living a negative emotion we just stop breathing. Pay attention and you will notice.

And here is one of my favourites songs that I listen while I get back to life , please enjoy it!

Namasté! May love be with you

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Live Your Life As One

"Turn your heart to the point of oneness,
then nothing will be impossible to you."

Yes, LYLAO is a choice. You can choose to live your life as if we all were one.